SCAA's Working Committees
SCAA Committees serve to both govern the association and provide benefit directly to the members. To further these objectives, SCAA encourages all members to actively participate in a committee to support its primary objectives. Each committee is led by a Chair elected by the members of the committee, and that Chair participates in Board meetings. Each committee also provides an annual update to the association’s strategic and business plan. The working committees and their missions are as follows:
Health and Safety Committee: The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for developing and promoting a healthy and safe work environment for all association members. The committee encourages the sharing of best management practices for member benefit. Chair: Doug Townsend
Government Affairs Committee: The Government Affairs Committee is responsible for working collaboratively with the SCAA Board, Executive leadership and the membership to drive awareness, education and implementation of regulatory issues that are both meaningful and impactful to the Association’s interests. Chair: Robert Chambers
Communications / Marketing Committee: The Communications / Marketing Committee is responsible for ensuring market awareness of the association within the response industry, promotion of member companies endeavors in the response industry, and establishing consistent brand recognition of SCAA to support other association goals. Chair: Logan Armstrong
Technical Advancement Committee: The Technical Advancement Committee researches, identifies and recommends needed technical improvements that will benefit our members and the spill response industry. Chair: Jane-Ellen Delgado
Future Environmental Leaders (FEL) Committee: The Future Environmental Leaders Committee is responsible for developing and engaging young response professionals for networking and sustainability of the association. Chair: Christopher Tracy
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee is a permanent committee, and is responsible for reviewing the annual operating budget and providing recommendations to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Chair: Steve Pelna
Planning Committee: The Planning Committee is a permanent committee. The Committee works with SCAA staff members in monitoring, planning and scheduling participation in industry and Government events and forums such as conferences and exhibits, special meetings, and workshops. The Committee provides oversight on the planning and scheduling of SCAA’s Annual Meeting & Conference. Chair: Larry Malizzi
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee is a permanent committee, and is responsible for ensuring membership recruiting, retention, and growth for the organization. Chair: Margo Moss
Past Presidents/Nominating Committee: The Past Presidents/Nominating Committee is a permanent committee, and is responsible for providing the association with continuity, given Director and Officer term limits, and providing advice to the President, Executive Committee and Board. The committee is responsible for providing the Executive Committee with a slate of candidates for each election and promoting Board elections. Chair: Nelson Fetgatter
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is a permanent Committee of the Association's Board of Directors. Chair: Angie Martin
